Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Pregnancy Test

The one faint pink line;
Google required for proof;
Baby on the way!
I started feeling a little different about two weeks before my period was even due. I just felt like I had a bug of some kind - headache, nausea, etc.. After about a week of this, I started to think.. maybe.. could it be.. I don't normally feel like this... hmmm.. I began secretly looking up early signs of pregnancy and it seemed to fit. I mentioned this to Dylan and he thought it was all psychological - with the idea that I can make myself feel sick - he didn't think anybody would feel sick that soon. Since this was the first month that we began trying, I could understand his doubts, because I kind of thought he might be right. Then again, I knew that something wasn't right.. Then my boobs started growing.. Dylan noticed this and knew I couldn't just think them to grow.
Finally, after two L O N G weeks of waiting, I bought a pregnancy test. Their accuracy doesn't get up into the 90's% until a day or so before your period is due, prior to then its likely to give false negatives. So, I waited until my period was due the next day - I was convinced I was pregnant at this point and if I got a false negative, I didn't want to hear "I told you so". I stopped on the way home from work to buy the test - I got a two pack of course! Dylan had mentioned earlier in the day that if I wanted to buy a pregnancy test, I should go for it. I didn't tell him that I'd actually bought one, I just took the stick into the bathroom when I got home. I came back out with it after a minute or two... with a very confused look on my face. I shove the stick in his face, "is that one line or two?!?!?!". The one line is a control and turns pink from peeing on it if you are pregnant or not. The second line (and the important line) ONLY turns pink if you are pregnant. Well.. I could see where the line was, but it definitely wasn't bold like the control line. He just looked at me and told me to google it. So, I did. The result was - a line is a line, no matter how faint it is! There was definitely a line.. but really, is that as dark as its going to get?? We both had these huge smiles on our faces, but they were nervous smiles because we still couldn't believe it. For a split second I debated running to the store and buying a different brand to double check the result. Instead, we read all the pamphlet - because maybe it would be inspiring. It did tell us one more thing - if the result is negative, the result will disappear off the stick in 10 minutes, a positive result will last 48 hours. Two hours later, the result was still there.
The next day after work, Dylan suggest that I use the second pregnancy test. I know that you can't get a false positive on a pregnancy test because you either have the hormone or you don't. I just told him that I'd use it if he wanted me to. He seemed to think it would be good just to make sure. It ended up being the same story.. the second line was still fainter than the constant line.. but there were 2 lines!
That's the story of my pregnancy test... I can definitely understand those commercials that talk about so many people misreading the results. Prior to this, I thought those commerical were crazy - how tough can it be to read 1 or 2 lines, a plus or minus, etc.. Little did I know.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bittersweet - Good bye WRX

Dylan and I made the big decision over the weekend to get rid of my car. Its bittersweet because I'm very sad to let go of my car - its been great to me.. and fun.. and fast... But this allows us to save up money to buy a car and hopefully not have a payment - which is good both with the state of the economy and with the baby on the way. I'm not sure what we'll end up getting at this point, but we aren't planning on buying anything soon. For the time being, I'm super cool driving Dylan's mom's 1997 Dodge Caravan. I look about as cool in it as I feel driving it. Its quite a change from the Subie, but I am definitely very thankful that we are able to use it and go some time without a car payment. We may even wait until after the baby comes and see how much space we need with the wheelchair, car seat, and stroller in the car.

The other big event of the weekend was Captain's bath. Somehow he knew as soon as I went into the bedroom what he was in for. He went straight for his bed and laid there. I would tell him to come and he'd just look at me like I'm crazy. Then he just rolled on his side and played dead. He's never this calm normally.. Its just his defense mechanism - dead weight is definitely harder to drag to the tub than a rambunctious dog. I finally tricked him into the tub using a treat - that dog is a sucker for anything he can eat. Most of the time he just acts as a mop and tries cleaning the kitchen floor in case there is the slightest residue of food on the floor.. probably why his breath always stinks so bad. Anyway, I finally get him in the tub and give him a bath. Of course he is filthy because that dog just attracts dirt. We had gone to the dog park and apparently there was only one good place to lay down - in the mud puddle. So now, he's all clean from his bath and I put him outside to dry (for those of you that don't live here, it was in the 70s on Sunday). By the time I get the bathroom back in order and go out to help dry him off some more, he's already walked all in the dirt so his feet and ankles were covered in dirt! So much for all the hard work and giving the dog a bath..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My First Blog

Recently, things have been going really well for Dylan and I. We found out several weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I'm now 9 weeks pregnant. We went to the doctor last Thursday saw the baby on the ultrasound. It didn't really look too much like a baby, but was still super exciting. We saw the a little flicker in the chest, which the nurse told us is the heartbeat! So, the baby's heart is already beating, but we don't get to hear it on the doppler until next month. The little guy/girl was 2.31 cm - its hard to believe something so tiny can be so life changing

This is a picture of the baby - Dylan took this of the ultrasound monitor with his phone. I should really scan print-out for better quality, but you get the point: (The dotted line over the baby was for measuring)

I've definitely felt the morning sickness. I feel like calling it morning sickness is very unjust since it lasts the entire day. Very few foods sound good to eat which is unfortunate since eating is the one thing that helps with the nausea. I am very thankful though that Dylan has been so patient with me. He's handled my crazy mood swings leading me to cry before work because I have nothing to take for lunch, my not wanting to do anything because I just feel sick and know I'll be miserable, and my utter exhaustion. I offered him the husband of the year award, but he turned it down because he thought it was too much pressure to live up to... so far, even without the award, he's doing a great job.
I've debated on whether or not I want to know the sex of the baby. I always thought that I would want to wait, but now, I want to know. That way I can decorate the baby's room before the baby gets here - and if its a girl I work on avoiding Dylan's desire for a Cubs nursery :). We'll find out if its a boy or girl around the first week in June when I go in for an ultrasound.
So.. that's my first ever blog!