Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My First Blog

Recently, things have been going really well for Dylan and I. We found out several weeks ago that I'm pregnant! I'm now 9 weeks pregnant. We went to the doctor last Thursday saw the baby on the ultrasound. It didn't really look too much like a baby, but was still super exciting. We saw the a little flicker in the chest, which the nurse told us is the heartbeat! So, the baby's heart is already beating, but we don't get to hear it on the doppler until next month. The little guy/girl was 2.31 cm - its hard to believe something so tiny can be so life changing

This is a picture of the baby - Dylan took this of the ultrasound monitor with his phone. I should really scan print-out for better quality, but you get the point: (The dotted line over the baby was for measuring)

I've definitely felt the morning sickness. I feel like calling it morning sickness is very unjust since it lasts the entire day. Very few foods sound good to eat which is unfortunate since eating is the one thing that helps with the nausea. I am very thankful though that Dylan has been so patient with me. He's handled my crazy mood swings leading me to cry before work because I have nothing to take for lunch, my not wanting to do anything because I just feel sick and know I'll be miserable, and my utter exhaustion. I offered him the husband of the year award, but he turned it down because he thought it was too much pressure to live up to... so far, even without the award, he's doing a great job.
I've debated on whether or not I want to know the sex of the baby. I always thought that I would want to wait, but now, I want to know. That way I can decorate the baby's room before the baby gets here - and if its a girl I work on avoiding Dylan's desire for a Cubs nursery :). We'll find out if its a boy or girl around the first week in June when I go in for an ultrasound.
So.. that's my first ever blog!


  1. CONGRATS!!! Oh my goodness! I am so excited for you and Dylan! YEAH!!!! :) and i am glad that you posted your blog so i can catch up on what is going on with you! ive missed you!

  2. Congrats Sherri!

    We just found out a couple of weeks ago that we'll be expecting in October. Sounds like it might be right around the same time as you.

    How's F9?

  3. Congratulations, Sherri! That is awesome! I'd love to get together sometime when you feel better (yes, it will happen eventually!). I wish you a healthy and happy 9 months!!

  4. You are too nice. I havent done anything special!

    BTW, Cubs gear is unisex!

  5. WOOHOO. Cour-te-nay baby #1! I like the idea for a blog :) - Anna
